Dec 03, 2024 | 207 words | 2 min read

7.2.1. Task 1#

Learning Objectives#

Create and execute simple scripts comprised of basic Python concepts. Apply course code standard in development of Python scripts. Modularize and comment code for readability and reusability.

Task Instructions#

Compare your results for the pre-task assignment with your team members (Task 0). Run each member’s code and compare results with the given solutions. Discuss the differences and similarities of your approaches, highlighting strengths of each.

Choose one team member’s pre-class activity working code file to turn in as a part of this reflection. Save the file as and turn it in with the remainder of the team task assignment files in Gradescope.

Answer the following questions in a reflection:

  1. What similarities did you notice between the team’s codes? What differences?

  2. For each team member, rank your comfort level in the following skills from 1 (not comfortable) to 5 (most comfortable).

    a. Creating for loops in Python

    b. Creating while loops in Python

  3. What is a real world problem that you can solve using for loops and/or while loops in a program?

  4. Which working code did the team decide to submit and why? What are the strengths of this approach?

Save the reflection as py3_team_teamnumber.pdf and turn it in with the remainder of the team task assignment files in Gradescope. You will continue to add to this file throughout this assignment.