
Course Information#

Course Number

ENGR 13300

Course Title

Transforming Ideas to Innovation – EPICS and VIP

Credit Hours






Table 1 Section Schedule#



Meeting Times (Tue & Thu)






11:30- 1:20 PM

LMBS 3261

Prof. John Cole



11:30- 1:20 PM

IP 118

Prof. Peter Orono



7:30- 9:20 AM

IP 118

Prof. William Oakes



9:30-11:20 AM

IP 118

Prof. Sydney Gorman Hillan



1:30- 3:20 PM


Prof. Benjamin Manning



1:30- 3:20 PM

LMBS 3285

Prof. Carla Zoltowski



7:30- 9:20 AM

LMBS 3285

Prof. Srinivas Dustker



11:30- 1:20 PM

LMBS 3285

Prof. Brandon Harrison-Smith



9:30-11:20 AM

LMBS 3285

Prof. Brandon Harrison-Smith

Instructor Contact Information#

Each section of ENGR 13300 is taught by a teaching team that includes an instructor, a graduate teaching assistant (GTA), undergraduate teaching assistants called Peer Teachers (PTs), and undergraduate graders. See Table 1 and Meet Your Instructional Team for names and contact information for your section’s instructor and GTA.

Office Hours#

Professors, graduate teaching assistants (GTAs) and peer teachers provide ENGR 13300 help sessions (also called office hours) each week. Attendance at help sessions is an opportunity for you to receive guidance in determining answers to specific questions. See Help Sessions for scheduled times and locations as well as general office hour guidelines. Additional help is also available from your instructor; contact your instructor to arrange a meeting via office hours.

Course Description#

Introduces students to the engineering professions using multidisciplinary, societally relevant content. Students will develop engineering approaches to systems, generate and explore creative ideas, and use quantitative methods to support design decisions. Students will experience the process of design and analysis in engineering including how to work effectively in teams, and will develop skills in project management, engineering fundamentals, oral and graphical communication, logical thinking, and modern engineering tools (e.g., MS Excel, Python and MATLAB). An emphasis will be placed on computing logic development and builds upon the co-requisite experience of the students in the EPICS class.

Course Schedule#

For an updated course schedule with lecture topics, homework assignments, and quiz dates, please visit the Course Schedule.

Course Prerequisites & Requirements#

When you begin this class, you are expected to have knowledge of:

  • Mathematics, including arithmetic, algebra, geometry, analytic geometry, and trigonometry.

  • Microsoft Windows or macOS operating system.

If you have a weakness in any of these areas, you are responsible for reviewing before attempting to complete related assignments. You are also expected to be able to communicate in spoken and written English with your peers, teammates, and the faculty and support staff.

Please contact your instructor if you have any concerns about these requirements.

Learning Resources, Technology, & Texts#

While there is no required textbook for ENGR 13300, video modules (Pre-Class Videos) and reading materials are required and will be used as background resources. You will use the following instructional technologies in ENGR 13300:


Within Brightspace, you will have access to course announcements, schedules, quizzes, exams, grades, feedback, and course resources. Link to Brightspace


You will use CATME to submit information used for Team Formation and Peer & Team Evaluations Link to CATME


Many assignments are submitted via Gradescope. You will access this through your ENGR 13300 Brightspace section during your course.


A Q&A and discussion forum for this course is available 24/7 on Campuswire. You will receive an email invitation to join the course on Campuswire. If you do not receive an invitation, please check your spam filter, and add to your email safe list.

MS Office

MS Word, MS Excel, and MS PowerPoint. ENGR 13300 requires MS Excel 2016 or newer. If you need an updated version, Office 365 is free to Purdue students. For more information, visit Purdue Office 365

Preferred browser

Information Technology at Purdue (ITaP) recommends Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome when accessing Brightspace. If you are using another browser or a mobile device, you may be unable to access some Brightspace content.

Purdue Email

Communication regarding the course may come to your Purdue email. Check your Purdue email regularly and often.


Some meetings with an instructional team member may be handled via Zoom. Download the Purdue Zoom app on your laptop or PC. Link to Purdue Zoom

Your instructor may use additional technologies and software to facilitate interaction.

Learning Outcomes#

In ENGR 13300, you will learn to:

  • practice making evidence-based engineering decisions.

  • function effectively as a member of a diverse team.

  • develop professional habits including professional communication, teamwork, and information literacy that will benefit you both as a student at Purdue and as a practicing engineer.

  • develop skills to apply computational tools to solve engineering problems represent and interpret data in multiple formats.

  • Identify potential engineering major choices and describe how they may fit into your academic plan of study and career interests

For the course learning objectives and topics, please visit the home page.

Class Structure#

ENGR 13300 follows the model of a flipped classroom:

  • Before class, read assigned materials and watch pre-class videos related to course topics. Activities that are traditionally called lectures are delivered in the form of online video modules.

  • In class, you will work on activities in teams or pairs related to the day’s topics. Assignments and activities that are traditionally considered as homework are started during class.

Once team assignments begin, you are expected to have regular team meetings and work collaboratively on team projects and assignments outside of class. (Teams will be formed by the second week. Until then, the teams will be randomly assigned). Your performance as a team member is part of your course grade. Failure to adequately engage professionally in team activities may result in individual loss of credit on work that was turned in as a team. Past ENGR 13300 students have found their teaming experience in this course to be worthwhile and rewarding.

Grading Scale#

The teaching team will assign your semester grade according to the total points you earn. For a full breakdown, see the table below. To move on out of first-year, your final grade in ENGR 13300 must be a C- or better.

Table 2 Grading Scale#


Grade Value


Greater than or equal to 92%


Greater than or equal to 90% and less than 92%


Greater than or equal to 87% and less than 90%


Greater than or equal to 82% and less than 87%


Greater than or equal to 80% and less than 82%


Greater than or equal to 77% and less than 80%


Greater than or equal to 72% and less than 77%


Greater than or equal to 70% and less than 72%


Greater than or equal to 60% and less than 70%


Less than 60%


The number of As, Bs, and Cs, etc. that will be issued is not predetermined.

Points are earned for each assignment (pre-class, individual, and team) as well as each assessment (in-class). The teaching team will assess your performance via assignments (pre-class, team, and individual) and assessments (in-class). Each assignment will be listed on the course website with detailed instructions on what work to do, how it will be evaluated, when it is due, and how to submit it. The grade posted in Brightspace will accurately reflect your grade in the course. Points are awarded for assignments and assessments in the following categories.

Table 3 Grading Categories#


Points per

Total Points



TTYK Quizzes (5 total, drop 1)



Concept Quizzes (5 total, drop 1)





Dream Project


Team Project


Individual Project




Pre-Class Assignments (11 total, drop 1)



Team Assignments (12 total, drop 1)



Individual Assignments (12 total, drop 1)



Professional Preparation


Peer Evaluation


CATME - Team Formation


CATME - Peer Evaluation 1


CATME - Peer Evaluation 2


CATME - Peer Evaluation 3




Class Attendance (29 total, drop 3)





Team Test Your Knowledge (TTYK)

are shorter quizzes that are given in class based and designed to be completed as a team in about 20 minutes. Each is worth 25 points regardless of the number of questions. They are based on the Concept Quiz that they precede. There are five TTYK’s, and the top four are calculated in the grade, so we will drop the lowest score.

Concept Quizzes (CQ)

are larger quizzes that will completed in class. These quizzes cover the major topics of the course and assess the course learning objectives. There are five quizzes each worth 80 points. Four are counted in the final grade with the lowest one being dropped from the calculation.


Students must be present in class to take a quiz (TTYK or CQ) unless given advance permission from the instructional team.


Dream Project

is a short project that is designed to help you explore your interests. It is worth 5 points.

Team Project

is a project that is completed mid semester in collaboration with your teamates. It is worth 120 points.

Individual Project

is a project that is completed at the end of the semester by you. It is worth 110 points.


Pre-Class Assignments

are short assignments that are due before the class that introduces each new topic. They are intended to help you prepare for the teamwork assignments you will be working on during class. There are 11 total, and the lowest score is dropped. Each is worth 2 points.

Team Assignments

are assignments that are completed with your team. You will be given time during class to work on these assignments and may need to schedule additional meetings with your teamates to complete them. These assignments are intended to prepare you for the individual assignments. There are 12 total, and the lowest score is dropped. Each is worth 5 points.

Individual Assignments

are assignments that are completed by you. The individual assignments will help you prepare for the assessments. There are 12 total, and the lowest score is dropped. Each is worth 10 points.

Professionalism, Teamwork, Attendance#

Professionalism and Teamwork Expectations

Everyone in our learning environment helps shape the environment so that it is positive and productive for all. This includes arriving for class on time and being prepared, listening, focusing on course activities during class, controlling your behavior to minimize distractions to those around you, and engaging with others in a respectful and professional manner. The teaming expectations include completing evaluations for your teammates in CATME by the deadlines that includes providing useful comments about your peers.

  • Possible Deductions: The instructional team may deduct points from your semester total for behavior that is disruptive to your class or to your team’s dynamics and performance beyond the subtotal for this section.

Participation and Attendance

Students are expected to attend each class as outlined in the Attendance Policy. They are also expected to be working on class-related activities. If a student is not working on activities related to the class or are disruptive, they may receive deductions for participation for that day. Repeated actions may result in a deduction of points that could exceed the total for this section.

Late Work Policy#

On-time submission of assignments and quizzes is vital to successful performance in this course. Unless a special case applies, late work is either not accepted or accepted with penalty as follows:

Submitting late individual work without penalty

You may submit late individual assignments without penalty only when you have an approved ODOS absence, an exceptional situation such as a severe or prolonged illness, or a medical or family emergency, or situations approved by your professor. In these situations, provide supporting documentation and arrange submission of your late work with your graduate teaching assistant (GTA).

Submitting late individual or team work with a 25% penalty

On individual assignments, you may submit work up to 24 hours late, but you will be penalized with a reduction of 25% of the points earned. For example, if you turn in an assignment 20 hours late and it earns a score of 8 points, then your score will be 6 points.

No individual or team work may be submitted after the 24-hour late period.

CATME surveys and Peer and Team evaluations may not be completed after the due date.


Because you will often spend class time working with your team, and many assignments are team assignments, notify your team members if you will be absent for any reason, planned or unplanned.

Concerns about Grading#

The purpose of grading is to assess your understanding and utilization of the concepts taught in the course, and to provide you with feedback about the strengths and weaknesses evident in your work. Full credit may be awarded on items that are mostly correct even if the work still contains errors in understanding. Therefore, it is important that you not only check your score on a particular assignment or exam, but also review the feedback provided by the graders in Brightspace or Gradescope. This feedback will help you improve your understanding of the concepts being assessed and, in turn, improve your performance on future work.

If you have concerns about how an assignment was graded, submit a Regrade Request to your graduate teaching assistant (GTA) with a detailed description of the concern within seven days after the graded assignment was revealed in Brightspace. Your email must include your name, ENGR 13300 section number, team number, the assignment name, and a clear, detailed description of your concern about the grading. Please see Communicating with the Teaching Team for proper email etiquette.

Professional Expectations#

Each Professional Expectation (PE) in ENGR 13300 reinforces the idea that everyone in our learning environment helps shape the environment so that it is positive and productive for all.

Communicating with the Teaching Team#

When communicating with members of your ENGR 13300 instructional team, your email must originate from your Purdue email account and include:

  • your name

  • ENGR 13300, section number, and team number (once teams are assigned)

  • topic (e.g., assignment name)

  • a detailed description of your concern

For professional communication, make sure your email is:

  • appropriately addressed to the recipient (e.g., not “Hey,” but “Dear Professor”),

  • includes a helpful subject, containing “ENGR 13300” (e.g., “ENGR 13300: Question about Assignment 1”),

  • written in complete sentences,

  • specific (e.g., not “I have a question on the assignment” but “I have a question on part 2 of problem 3”),

  • concluded with an expression of appreciation for the reader’s time or help.

Attendance Policy#

Maintaining contact with your instructor, class, and team is an important part of your success in the classroom. You are expected to attend classes and participate in the in-class activities. You and your team will both benefit from your participation.

You are responsible for:

  • Preparation: be prepared for each class according to your instructor’s directions. This includes completing the assigned pre-class reading/videos and pre-class tasks, as well as other tasks as assigned.

  • Punctuality: arrive on time for class and be prepared to participate.

  • Participation: due to the team-oriented nature of this course, your consistent and enthusiastic participation in all parts of the course is important. Failure to participate in class will be considered equivalent to an unexcused absence.


  • If you know you will miss a class session, you must communicate with your instructor and GTA as soon as you become aware that you will be absent. Your instructor and GTA should expect to be aware of your absence before class (except under extraordinary situations).

  • You should also communicate with your teammates as a professional courtesy and/or to ensure you are aware of the topics being covered during the missed class.

  • You are responsible for catching up on all information presented in class in preparation for the next class.

  • Failure to communicate with your instructor will result in an unexcused absence. In this case, materials that were collected and/or graded will not be accepted. No opportunities will be provided for you to make up missed work.

  • For all unexcused absences, assignment deadlines will still apply unless otherwise arranged with your instructor and GTA. If you miss a quiz, you will receive a zero. Remember the lowest score of each quiz category will be dropped.

  • Students having an excessive number of absences (more than three of the regularly scheduled class meetings) may be dropped 1/3 of a letter grade (e.g. from A to A- or B+ to B) regardless of their class standing. Each additional unexcused absence beyond two may result in an additional deduction of 1/3 of a letter grade.

Excused Absences include:#

  • An approved ODOS absence from the Office of the Dean of Students. Access the Purdue Office of Dean of Students - Absences here.

  • Documented chronic or long-term illness. In this case, please obtain documentation from the Office of Dean of Students, and see your instructor and/or GTA. This should be done upon returning to class so that an effective course of action can be determined.

  • Other situations may be excused at the discretion of your instructor.

University Policies#

Academic Integrity#

You are a member of the Purdue community–a community that values integrity. You are expected to be familiar with and to abide by the university policies and procedures. Academic integrity is critically important and is as essential in virtual learning as in traditional classrooms. Your experience in ENGR 13300 depends on the effort you put into the class. Plagiarism and cheating degrade the skills you will develop that will help you succeed as an engineering student and a practicing engineer. Remember, you are forming your engineering habits for ethical work and integrity as an engineer in these undergraduate years.

You are also expected to fulfill Purdue’s student-created honor pledge:

As a Boilermaker pursuing academic excellence, I pledge to be honest and true in all that I do. Accountable together –We are Purdue.

Academic dishonesty is defined by Purdue as “cheating, plagiarism, or knowingly furnishing false information to the University.” Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to the following:

  • Collaborating with others, either face-to-face or online, during a quiz or exam

  • Submitting homework obtained from another student

  • Allowing someone else to do the work and then submitting it under your own name

  • Helping someone else commit academic dishonesty, such as giving them homework to copy or allowing them to cheat from your test paper

  • Copying word for word or lifting phrases or special terms from a source or reference without proper attribution (plagiarism)

  • Allowing someone else to access your Purdue computer accounts or computer files

  • Turning in an exam, quiz, or assignment that has been purchased from a commercial research firm or obtained from the Internet

Academic integrity is one of the highest values that Purdue University holds. Individuals are encouraged to alert university officials to potential breaches of this value by either emailing or by calling 765-494-8778. While you may submit information anonymously, the more information you provide the greater the opportunity for the university to investigate the concern.

In ENGR 13300, you will submit both individual and team assignments. While team assignments are understood to be the work of a team, the individual assignments you submit must be your own work. The instructional team periodically checks student work for various forms of academic dishonesty. This check is performed manually and via automated similarity checkers such as MOSS. If academic dishonesty occurs, consequences may include:

  • A zero on the entire assignment or quiz/exam in question

  • Forwarding your name to the Office of the Dean of Students

  • A lowered or failing grade in the course

Material Copyrights#

The ENGR 13300 materials and their notes are copyrighted or derivatives of copyrighted materials and should not be sold, bartered, or posted on sites such as Course Hero, Chegg, and Quizlet in whole or in part without express permission from your instructor and the Associate Head of First-Year Engineering.

Nondiscrimination Statement#

In this course, each voice in the classroom has something of value to contribute. Please take care to respect the different experiences, beliefs and values expressed by students and staff involved in this course. We support Purdue’s commitment to diversity, and welcome individuals of all ages, backgrounds, citizenships, disabilities, education, ethnicities, family statuses, genders, gender identities, geographical locations, languages, military experience, political views, races, religions, sexes, sexual orientations, socioeconomic statuses, and work experiences. More details are available on our course Brightspace table of contents, under University Policies and Statements, including a hyperlink to Purdue’s full Nondiscrimination Policy Statement.


Purdue University strives to make learning experiences as accessible as possible. If you anticipate or experience physical or academic barriers based on disability, please discuss options with your instructor. You are also encouraged to contact the Disability Resource Center (contact information below). If you are eligible for academic accommodations because you have a documented disability that will affect your work in this class and/or at an exam, please schedule an appointment with your instructor as soon as possible to discuss your needs. Prior to the meeting, provide your “Letter of Accommodation” that you obtained from the Disability Resource Center (DRC: or 765-494-1247) so that your instructor and the IST can make proper accommodations for you.

Students with disabilities whose DRC Course Accessibility Letter (CAL) includes test accommodations must first release their CAL to the instructor, as they may need to schedule to take their exams with the DRC at ( You must do this at least one week before the exam date listed on the syllabus. The Instructional Support Team will provide the DRC with your exam information. The DRC will administer it and provide the result to your instructor for grade reporting. Students must inform the Instructor and/or GTA immediately of cases where the DRC does not have space so that IST can make other arrangements. Students who fail to follow this process and these deadlines risk not being able to have their accommodations for that exam.

Mental Health/Wellness Statement#

  • If you find yourself beginning to feel some stress, anxiety and/or feeling slightly overwhelmed, try Therapy Assistance Online (TAO), a web and app-based mental health resource available courtesy of Purdue Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS). TAO is available to all students at any time by creating an account on the TAO Connect website, or downloading the app from the App Store or Google Play. It offers free, confidential well-being resources through a self-guided program informed by psychotherapy research and strategies that may aid in overcoming anxiety, depression and other concerns. It provides accessible and effective resources including short videos, brief exercises, and self-reflection tools.

  • If you need support and information about options and resources, please contact or see the Office of the Dean of Students. Call 765-494-1747. Hours of operation are M-F, 8 a.m.- 5 p.m.

  • If you find yourself struggling to find a healthy balance between academics, social life, stress, etc., sign up for free one-on-one virtual or in-person sessions in West Lafayette with a Purdue Wellness Coach at RecWell. Student coaches can help you navigate through barriers and challenges toward your goals throughout the semester. Sign up is free and can be done on BoilerConnect. Students in Indianapolis will find support services curated on the Vice Provost for Student Life website.

  • If you’re struggling and need mental health services: Purdue University is committed to advancing the mental health and well-being of its students. If you or someone you know is feeling overwhelmed, depressed, and/or in need of mental health support, services are available. For help, such individuals should contact Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) at 765-494-6995 during and after hours, on weekends and holidays, or by going to the CAPS offices in West Lafayette or Indianapolis.

Emergency Preparation#

Purdue University has an Integrated Emergency Management Plan (IEMP). This plan includes procedures, processes, and plans for responding to an emergency. Visit the Emergency Preparedness website for more information. Keep your cell phone on to receive a PurdueALERT text message. When on campus, it is also important to be familiar with the emergency response procedures for your location.

Procedures specific to the ENGR 13300 classrooms are below:

  • Emergency: For ANY emergency, call 911 (fire, medical emergency, etc.)

    • LMBS 3261/3285: A phone is located in the storage room.

  • Fire Alarm or Evacuation: Gather all critical personal belongings and exit the building using the stairs. When exiting the building, do not use the elevator. Once outside the building, stay clear of all emergency vehicles and personnel.

    • LMBS: Meet your classmates north of Lambertus Hall (LMBS) by Mechanical Engineering (ME).

    • SHRV C111: Exit the building via the east or west stairwells on the north side of the building. Once outside of Shreve Hall, meet across the street in the Band Practice Field.

  • Shelter in Place: Could occur due to a tornado, accidental release of toxic chemicals, shots fired on campus, etc.

    • Tornado

      • LMBS: Proceed down the stairs to the basement of Lambertus Halls (LMBS) Be prepared to sit (or kneel) on the floor, face a wall, and cover your head.

      • SHRV C111: proceed to a classroom in the basement, move away from any glass, and sit on the floor facing a wall and cover your head.

    • Other situations: The course of action will depend on the situation. It is recommended that students remain in the classroom and wait for further instructions.

In any situation, follow instructions from emergency response personnel (police, fire department, etc.) when they are present. In the event of a major campus emergency, course requirements, deadlines and grading percentages are subject to changes that may be necessitated by a revised semester calendar or other circumstances beyond the instructor’s control. Relevant changes to this course will be posted onto the course website or can be obtained by contacting the instructors or TAs via email or phone. You are expected to read your email on a frequent basis.