\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}\newcommand\blank{~\underline{\hspace{1.2cm}}~}\\% Bold symbols (vectors) \newcommand\bs[1]{\mathbf{#1}}\\% Poor man's siunitx \newcommand\unit[1]{\mathrm{#1}} \newcommand\num[1]{#1} \newcommand\qty[2]{#1~\unit{#2}}\\\newcommand\per{/} \newcommand\squared{{}^2} \newcommand\cubed{{}^3} % % Scale \newcommand\milli{\unit{m}} \newcommand\centi{\unit{c}} \newcommand\kilo{\unit{k}} \newcommand\mega{\unit{M}} % % Percent \newcommand\percent{\unit{\%}} % % Angle \newcommand\radian{\unit{rad}} \newcommand\degree{\unit{{}^\circ}} % % Time \newcommand\second{\unit{s}} \newcommand\s{\second} \newcommand\minute{\unit{min}} \newcommand\hour{\unit{h}} % % Distance \newcommand\meter{\unit{m}} \newcommand\m{\meter} \newcommand\inch{\unit{in}} \newcommand\foot{\unit{ft}} % % Force \newcommand\newton{\unit{N}} \newcommand\kip{\unit{kip}} % kilopound in "freedom" units - edit made by Sri % % Mass \newcommand\gram{\unit{g}} \newcommand\g{\gram} \newcommand\kilogram{\unit{kg}} \newcommand\kg{\kilogram} \newcommand\grain{\unit{grain}} \newcommand\ounce{\unit{oz}} % % Temperature \newcommand\kelvin{\unit{K}} \newcommand\K{\kelvin} \newcommand\celsius{\unit{{}^\circ C}} \newcommand\C{\celsius} \newcommand\fahrenheit{\unit{{}^\circ F}} \newcommand\F{\fahrenheit} % % Area \newcommand\sqft{\unit{sq\,\foot}} % square foot % % Volume \newcommand\liter{\unit{L}} \newcommand\gallon{\unit{gal}} % % Frequency \newcommand\hertz{\unit{Hz}} \newcommand\rpm{\unit{rpm}} % % Voltage \newcommand\volt{\unit{V}} \newcommand\V{\volt} \newcommand\millivolt{\milli\volt} \newcommand\mV{\milli\volt} \newcommand\kilovolt{\kilo\volt} \newcommand\kV{\kilo\volt} % % Current \newcommand\ampere{\unit{A}} \newcommand\A{\ampere} \newcommand\milliampereA{\milli\ampere} \newcommand\mA{\milli\ampere} \newcommand\kiloampereA{\kilo\ampere} \newcommand\kA{\kilo\ampere} % % Resistance \newcommand\ohm{\Omega} \newcommand\milliohm{\milli\ohm} \newcommand\kiloohm{\kilo\ohm} % correct SI spelling \newcommand\kilohm{\kilo\ohm} % "American" spelling used in siunitx \newcommand\megaohm{\mega\ohm} % correct SI spelling \newcommand\megohm{\mega\ohm} % "American" spelling used in siunitx % % Inductance \newcommand\henry{\unit{H}} \newcommand\H{\henry} \newcommand\millihenry{\milli\henry} \newcommand\mH{\milli\henry} % % Power \newcommand\watt{\unit{W}} \newcommand\W{\watt} \newcommand\milliwatt{\milli\watt} \newcommand\mW{\milli\watt} \newcommand\kilowatt{\kilo\watt} \newcommand\kW{\kilo\watt} % % Energy \newcommand\joule{\unit{J}} \newcommand\J{\joule} % % Composite units % % Torque \newcommand\ozin{\unit{\ounce}\,\unit{in}} \newcommand\newtonmeter{\unit{\newton\,\meter}} % % Pressure \newcommand\psf{\unit{psf}} % pounds per square foot \newcommand\pcf{\unit{pcf}} % pounds per cubic foot \newcommand\pascal{\unit{Pa}} \newcommand\Pa{\pascal} \newcommand\ksi{\unit{ksi}} % kilopound per square inch \newcommand\bar{\unit{bar}} \end{aligned}\end{align} \]

Oct 24, 2024 | 479 words | 5 min read

11.1.3. Task 3#

Learning Objectives#

  • Develop the ability to write clear, concise, and well-structured technical reports.

  • Practice citing credible sources using APA or MLA format.

  • Develop project management skills by planning and documenting team contributions.

  • Foster collaboration and active participation among team members.

Task Instructions#

Open the report template tp_report_teamnumber.docx. Save it with your team number replacing teamnumber in the file name.

Each team will submit a project report outlining their research into image processing, the applications of image processing in a particular engineering discipline, and the program the team developed. The project report will follow the common structure of a technical report. The Python files, along with a report, will be uploaded to Gradescope as the final submission. Make sure that the files will run as they are uploaded (e.g. have them all in the same folder). You may zip all your files together.

The report will consist of:

  1. Project Motivation:

    You will need to describe how image processing methods are used in an engineering discipline citing at least three credible sources using either APA or MLA format. This section will outline the major problems trying to be solved in these areas and the state-of-the-art methods that have been developed or are widely used.

  2. Project Overview and Methods:

    In this section, you will describe the background of steganography, the least significant bit (LSB) technique, and how it is used to hide messages in images.

  3. Discussion of Algorithm Design:

    This section will include flow charts of the overall program and each of the user-defined functions. This section should describe the design rationale for modularizing the code to meet the needs of future uses of steganography. How will future users be able to use your program to encode their own messages into images? You will need to summarize the algorithm you designed and used for Python programming.

  4. References:

    List of resources used to research the applications of image processing in different engineering disciplines and any additional resources referenced that your team used to help write your code.

  5. Appendices:

    Include as appendices to your main report

    1. User Manual with sample inputs and outputs (including pictures).

    2. Project Management Plan

      Summary of the contributions of each member of the team to the project. Describe your team’s methods for collaboration that facilitated active participation and learning by all team members. Include a discussion of opportunities for improvement for future team projects.

    3. Discussion of Design Process

      Description of how your team followed the design process, which is defined as “a process of devising a system, component, or process, to meet desired needs within constraints. It is an iterative, creative, decision-making process that involves developing requirements, performing analysis and synthesis, generating multiple solutions, evaluating solutions against requirements, considering risks, and making trade-offs.”

    4. Code

      The team should upload the Python files, but they should also include the code as an appendix in the report. Code should be well commented to increase readability for future users of the algorithm.