

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}\newcommand\blank{~\underline{\hspace{1.2cm}}~}\\% Bold symbols (vectors) \newcommand\bs[1]{\mathbf{#1}}\\% Poor man's siunitx \newcommand\unit[1]{\mathrm{#1}} \newcommand\num[1]{#1} \newcommand\qty[2]{#1~\unit{#2}}\\\newcommand\per{/} \newcommand\squared{{}^2} \newcommand\cubed{{}^3} % % Scale \newcommand\milli{\unit{m}} \newcommand\centi{\unit{c}} \newcommand\kilo{\unit{k}} \newcommand\mega{\unit{M}} % % Percent \newcommand\percent{\unit{\%}} % % Angle \newcommand\radian{\unit{rad}} \newcommand\degree{\unit{{}^\circ}} % % Time \newcommand\second{\unit{s}} \newcommand\s{\second} \newcommand\minute{\unit{min}} \newcommand\hour{\unit{h}} % % Distance \newcommand\meter{\unit{m}} \newcommand\m{\meter} \newcommand\inch{\unit{in}} \newcommand\foot{\unit{ft}} % % Force \newcommand\newton{\unit{N}} \newcommand\kip{\unit{kip}} % kilopound in "freedom" units - edit made by Sri % % Mass \newcommand\gram{\unit{g}} \newcommand\g{\gram} \newcommand\kilogram{\unit{kg}} \newcommand\kg{\kilogram} \newcommand\grain{\unit{grain}} \newcommand\ounce{\unit{oz}} % % Temperature \newcommand\kelvin{\unit{K}} \newcommand\K{\kelvin} \newcommand\celsius{\unit{{}^\circ C}} \newcommand\C{\celsius} \newcommand\fahrenheit{\unit{{}^\circ F}} \newcommand\F{\fahrenheit} % % Area \newcommand\sqft{\unit{sq\,\foot}} % square foot % % Volume \newcommand\liter{\unit{L}} \newcommand\gallon{\unit{gal}} % % Frequency \newcommand\hertz{\unit{Hz}} \newcommand\rpm{\unit{rpm}} % % Voltage \newcommand\volt{\unit{V}} \newcommand\V{\volt} \newcommand\millivolt{\milli\volt} \newcommand\mV{\milli\volt} \newcommand\kilovolt{\kilo\volt} \newcommand\kV{\kilo\volt} % % Current \newcommand\ampere{\unit{A}} \newcommand\A{\ampere} \newcommand\milliampereA{\milli\ampere} \newcommand\mA{\milli\ampere} \newcommand\kiloampereA{\kilo\ampere} \newcommand\kA{\kilo\ampere} % % Resistance \newcommand\ohm{\Omega} \newcommand\milliohm{\milli\ohm} \newcommand\kiloohm{\kilo\ohm} % correct SI spelling \newcommand\kilohm{\kilo\ohm} % "American" spelling used in siunitx \newcommand\megaohm{\mega\ohm} % correct SI spelling \newcommand\megohm{\mega\ohm} % "American" spelling used in siunitx % % Inductance \newcommand\henry{\unit{H}} \newcommand\H{\henry} \newcommand\millihenry{\milli\henry} \newcommand\mH{\milli\henry} % % Power \newcommand\watt{\unit{W}} \newcommand\W{\watt} \newcommand\milliwatt{\milli\watt} \newcommand\mW{\milli\watt} \newcommand\kilowatt{\kilo\watt} \newcommand\kW{\kilo\watt} % % Energy \newcommand\joule{\unit{J}} \newcommand\J{\joule} % % Composite units % % Torque \newcommand\ozin{\unit{\ounce}\,\unit{in}} \newcommand\newtonmeter{\unit{\newton\,\meter}} % % Pressure \newcommand\psf{\unit{psf}} % pounds per square foot \newcommand\pcf{\unit{pcf}} % pounds per cubic foot \newcommand\pascal{\unit{Pa}} \newcommand\Pa{\pascal} \newcommand\ksi{\unit{ksi}} % kilopound per square inch \newcommand\bar{\unit{bar}} \end{aligned}\end{align} \]

Oct 24, 2024 | 612 words | 6 min read


You have the freedom to do the activities (Academic Success, Resume Preparation, Personal Activities, Cultural Experience) and reflections in any order. For each reflection, you will use the same three-paragraph format as mentioned in Table 18.


Submit each reflection as a PDF to Gradescope. Refer to Table 14 for the file naming convention.

Table 18 Reflection Template#




Identify what type of activity this is (Personal Activity or Cultural Activity) along with the name of the event, time, date, and location of the activity.


Answer the question - What did you learn from this experience that connects to your major or career interest . If the answer is not at all, please explain why and that will suffice.


Answer the question - How will this experience change, impact or inform you future career or personal plans or growth. If the answer is not at all, please explain why and that will suffice.


Each activity (\(2\) Personal Activities and Cultural Experience) must have a reflection which is worth \(20\) points in a three paragraph format and are graded on the rubric as mentioned in Table 19.

Table 19 Reflection Rubric#



Event description

\(4\) pts

Included the type of activity (EYM, Personal Activity, Cultural Activity), event name that you attended, time and date event occurred.

\(2\) pt

Missing either the event name, time or date event occurred.

\(0\) pts

Missing more than one of the event name, time and date occurred

What did you learn?

\(8\) pts

Well written with fewer than 2 grammatical and/or spelling mistakes. Thoughtful paragraph describing what you learned describing at least one element that was new to you or made you reflect in a new way.

\(4\) pts

Written with more than 2 grammatical and/or spelling mistakes but is a thoughtful paragraph describing what you learned describing at least one element that was new to you or made you reflect in a new way.
Well written with fewer than 2 grammatical and/or spelling mistakes but only contains surface level description of the experience with no element that was new to you or made you reflect in a new way.

\(2\) pts

Written with more than 2 grammatical and/or spelling mistakes and only contains surface level description of the experience with no element that was new to you or made you reflect in a new way.

\(0\) pts

Not completed or multiple grammar and/or spelling mistakes and insufficient information about the learning.

How will this experience change, impact or inform you future career or personal plans or growth. If not at all, please explain why.

\(8\) pts

Well written with fewer than 2 grammatical and/or spelling mistakes. Thoughtful reflective paragraph discussing how this experience change, impact or inform your future plans or does not. Includes at least one specific element or idea that may or may not fit into your future plans.

\(4\) pts

Written with more than 2 grammatical and/or spelling mistakes but is a thoughtful reflective paragraph discussing how this field, major, company or organization fits into your future plans or does not. Includes at least one specific element or idea that may or may not fit into your future plans.
Well written with fewer than 2 grammatical and/or spelling mistakes but only contains surface level description how this experience change, impact or inform your future plans or does not. Does not include at least one specific element or idea that may or may not fit into your future plans.

\(2\) pts

written with more than 2 grammatical and/or spelling mistakes and only contains surface level description how this experience change, impact or inform your future plans or does not. Does not include at least one specific element or idea that may or may not fit into your future plans.

\(0\) pts

Not completed or multiple grammar and/or spelling mistakes and insufficient information about the experience and connection to your future plans